My name is Tarun Rajnish and I’m currently pursuing my Masters degree in Computer Science at Brown University in Providence, USA. My concentration lies in the fields of visual computing and software engineering. I work as a Teaching Assistant for the Computer Vision (CS1430) course at Brown, as well as a software developer under Professor Srinath Sridhar in the Brown Interactive 3D Vision and Learning Lab.
I manage this website to document and share my various interests, achievements, projects, and other hobbies like Tech, Music and Travel.
You can view my certifications, projects and notes, guitar and drum covers, and travel photos by clicking on each of the categories in the navigation sidebar.
This panel also contains icons on top through which you may email me, connect with me on LinkedIn, jump to my YouTube Channel, or checkout my GitHub.
That’s about it! Do leave a comment or suggestion on the posts you view as it will help me better curate this website.